English for Medicine 1 SB OXFORD - Sam McCarter

English for Medicine 1 SB OXFORD - Sam McCarter

Rok wydania: 2015
Strony: 144
Autorzy: Sam McCarter
Oprawa: broszurowa
Format: 21x27 cm
117,00 zł
101,08 zł
/ egz. brutto
Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 101,08 zł
Łatwy zwrot towaru w ciągu 14 dni od zakupu bez podania przyczyny
Oxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in each Student's Book is vocation-specific, which means students get the language, information, and skills they need to help them get a job in their chosen career. The series covers Commerce, Tourism, Nursing, and Technology at Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels. New levels include Tourism 3 Upper-Intermediate for tourism management and Technology 2, plus the completely new Medicine course.

EAN: 9780194023009
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